Skincare Holy Grail Products: The Hydration Station

If one thing is true about the beauty industry and how it relates to you as a person, it’s that it’s never too early to start taking care of your skin. If you start preventing wrinkles in your late 20’s, chances are you won’t have to worry about them until much later. This includes obvious care – things your mother probably told you like stay out of direct sunlight, use sunscreen and drink plenty of water. Later on, though, a solid skincare regimen is sometimes needed. I’m going to share with you the three Holy Grail products that have earned a spot in my skincare cabinet forever that keep my skin smooth, even, hydrated and wrinkle-free. OYU Cosmetics’ Unscented Youth Elixir This is a recent find and I am very glad that it is now in my cabinet. I first got it as a free sample, but it is definitely something I could see myself buying regularly. It is made of mostly natural oils and ingredients and doesn’t clog the pores. The Abyssian oil is there to reduce any traces of wrinkles y...